KKI/CPR-008 Half Body CPR Training Manikin

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  1. Pupil demonstration:one mydriasis and the other normal
  2. Simulate standard open airway
  3. Simulate free movements of upper limbs
  4. External chest compression:display device and alarm device
  5. Artificial respiration (Inhalation): display device and alarm device
  6. Operating period:Ratio of compression and artificial respiration: 30:2 (one or two persons), complete 5 cycles.
  1. Compression frequency: 100 – 120 times/minute
  2. Compression depth: 5-6cm
  3. Squeeze the bulb manually tosimulate carotid pulse
  4. Working conditions: adopts 220V external power source

Implement standard: AHA (American Heart Association) 2015 guideline for CPR and ECC


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