KKI/J-004 Airway Managerment Model

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1. Anatomically accurate head and neck structures, which will be more effectively to illustrate “Sellick maneuver”.

  1. Simulate laryngospasm and edema.
  2. Supports thyrocricocentesis and tracheotomy care.
  3. Supports practice in airway obstruction clearing and liquid foreign body suction.
  4. Observe lung breathing movement when making artificial respiration, and supports practice in breath sounds auscultation.
  5. Tracheal intubation via mouth
  6. Nasal feeding and gastric lavage
  7. Supports oral cavity, oropharynx and nasopharynx suction, make brochial suction via mouth or nose wtih bronchoscope
  8. Comes with simulative sputum to make the practice more realistic
  9. 10.Squeeze the bulb manually to simulate the carotid pulse


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