KKI/J011 Trauma Simulators

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  1. Bone tissue exposure
  2. Simulate all kinds of trauma of body, burned skin is replaceable.
  3. Simulate rinsing, disinfection, hemostasis, dressing, fixation and transportation for wound parts.
  4. Simulate open fracture and breakage in different body positions for management.
  5. Trauma care: disinfection, dressing change, hemostasis and binding up.


6. Advanced trauma modules to come with

(1)Facial burn: 1, 2, 3 degrees         (2)Gun wound in the left palm

(3)Laceration in forehead               (4)Opened fracture of right thighbone

(5)The wound in jaw                      (6)Compound femur fracture of left thigh

(7)Opened clavicular fracture and contusion wound on the chest

(8)Metal pricking wound in right thigh

(9)Opened tibia fracture of right leg

(10)The wound in abdomen with small intestine evisceration

(11)Opened fracture of right foot with truncating trauma on small phalanx

(12)Opened humerus fracture of right upper arm

(13)Opened fracture of right hand with parenchyma laceration

(14)Burns in right forearm: 1, 2, 3 degree

(15)Truncating trauma of leg thigh


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