KKI/Sim3350 Advanced CPR Assessment System(New construction)

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Implement Standard: AHA (American Heart Association) 2015 Guideline for CPR & ECC
1) External chest compression;
2) Open the airway by means of head tilt, chin lift and jaw thrust
3) Supports mouth-to-mouth and BVM assisted ventilation, and available chest rise after effective artificial respiration. Besides all functions of JY/Sim3300, this system supports, 1) Independent ECG monitoring interface;
2) A computer can synchronously control multiple models for training assessment; operation transcripts are automatically
generated and aggregated, and individual transcripts or batch transcripts can be selected for printing;
3) Real-time quantitative monitoring display: supports three grid display modes when multiple teams operate
synchronously, showing each team’s real time quantized value of compression/blowing (including the compression depth, compression frequency, blowing volume, correct percentage, compression interruption time and compression/blowing

4) Provides multiple emergency cases, and also supports cases editted by user-self, to work together with simulative AED.

5) Fully supports adult basic life support training process;


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